Tagged: student


Dollars and sense

by Robert Jones Guest Columnist Feel like you’re bumping shoulders with more people in the hallways this year? Well, you are. Applications to Alberta’s post-secondary institutions have skyrocketed, and so too has demand for...


Council in session

After just two weeks in their new roles, the SAMRU Students’ Council have eagerly put the wheels in motion to shape the future policies, bylaws and direction of the Students’ Association. On Oct. 5,...


Prerequisite Puzzler

MRU students registered in courses for which they did not have the necessary prerequisites did not learn that they had been deregistered from them until the first day of classes, an issue that the...


No teeny job for Sweeney

This concludes The Reflector’s profiles of incoming SA executives. To say the VP student life position at the Students’ Association of Mount Royal College fits Eily Sweeney’s personality might be an understatement. Sweeney, who...


News editor bids farewell

The first story I wrote for The Reflector was published on March 8, 2007. It was about a Students’ Association referendum on increasing the cost of the Universal Transit Pass. As a bright-eyed first-year...