Tagged: zoey


Living from the heart

By Zoey Duncan Zoey and Alan As a writer, Alan learned to loathe clichés. I may have had something to do with that. So maybe he wouldn’t appreciate my telling you that he epitomized...


Civic election should fascinate students

by Zoey Duncan Municipal politics may not strike most Calgarians as riveting or glamorous, but the approach of the 2010 civic election is already highly anticipated by some. Participation in the municipal election is...


Working for the summer

by Zoey Duncan Getting elected was the easy part. Now the Students’ Association executives must begin to honour their commitment to the student body by immersing themselves in an intensive learning process over the...


Tournament challenges students’ creativity

By Zoey Duncan Leave it up to entrepreneurs to develop a class that crosses the boundaries of typical university learning situations. The Innovation Tournament, part of the intro to entrepreneurship course, gives students a...


Rolling to campus

by Zoey Duncan Campus sustainability proj-ects are visible throughout the school: the award-winning, environmentally friendly Roderick Mah Centre for Continuous Learning and the recent expulsion of Styrofoam from Wyckham House to name a few....


No surprises in SA election

By Zoey Duncan After four-and-a-half hours of waiting for the ballots to be counted, an excited and slightly nervous group of Students’ Association hopefuls finally got their answer. “We had a lot of ballots,...


What the #%$& does the SA do?

by Zoey Duncan & Claire Miglionico  In mid-January, The Reflector performed an informal survey of students to gauge what the biggest issues on campus are. We also asked students their opinion of the SAMRU....